
It was this time last week that the adventure all began. I had spent the last few weeks growling at my notebooks in frustration at my ongoing failure to complete a short comic script. It was a task that I’d given myself at the start of the year, in the hope that by the end […]

Before June comes to an end.

I’m cutting it a bit close this month but I’ve managed to get the blog post in before the end of the month. The first piece of news is that I have finished my latest module. I passed the four assignments and just need to get a pass in the exam to get a passing […]

Marching Onwards

Greetings once again. This entry is somewhat later than I had hoped but we shall attempt to soldier on regardless. The last month has been spent doing a lot of reading about writing, with particular emphasis on writing a novel. It’s something I’m really interested in ever since I took part in NaNoWriMo for the […]

The February update

The blog is still going, although it’s not a frequent as I’d like. But I’ll use the “quality over quantity” excuse for now. The year has started well regarding my goals for trying to achieve tasks that will help me improve with the writing. I have managed to dramatically cut down on my TV watching […]

And so 2013 has begun.

The first month of a new year has just passed the halfway point and I’ve managed to start as I mean to go on. I’m getting plenty of reading done. It’s a mix of fiction and books providing tips/pointers about writing. So I’m managing to get a better understanding of what I do and don’t […]

As November draws to a close.

The blog hasn’t been getting as much love as it deserves but it couldn’t be helped as I’m focusing all my free writing time on NaNoWriMo. The month has gone better than expected but it could have been better also. I have managed to maintain an average wordcount of 1,000 words which is below the […]