Category: Personal
Alcest Dec/2024
For the last gig of the year, I managed to get up to Dublin for the Alcest gig in the academy. The line-up was a great variety of sounds to listen to. First up was Doodseskader. Next was Svalbard. And then the headliners, Alcest Great night of music
Recent digital drawing study
I recently had some free time to get back to some digital drawing, so had a go at a digital study based on a still from the Fringe TV show. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. It’s a few months easily since I did any drawing and wanted to pick something that would […]
Review: Scrap!!
Originally posted on Irish Comic News (11/Apr/2019) Scrap!! Created and written by Kevin Smith.Lettered by LetterSquids.Cover drawn by Faozan Salman and coloured by Sean Callahan. Scrap is a collection of three stories following the adventures of 10-year-old Marco after freak circumstances result in him receiving demonic superpowers. It’s a simple idea for how Marco receives his powers, and […]
Review: Ocean City #3
Originally posted on Irish Comic News (25/Apr/2019) Written and created by Colm GriffinLetters by Alice ColemanCover by Albert Lledo GrimaPublished by Rogue Comics Dillon, or DK as he is also known, returns in the third installment of the Ocean City series. This issue is very much focussed on DK and his first foray into the life of a superhero. […]
Review: Roomies #2
Originally posted on Irish Comic News (23/May/2019) Story: Ryan O’Connor and Naomi Noodle.Script: Ryan O’Connor.Art: Naomi Noodle.Lettering: Naomi Noodle. Sam, Gaz (the demon summoned by Sam) and Laurie in the second issue of Roomies. Laurie is getting acquainted with her new roomies, though Laurie is unaware that both Sam and Gaz know she is possessed. Laurie also doesn’t know that Gaz […]