Review: Ghostbusters – Funko Universe one-shot

Originally posted on Irish Comic News (10/Jul/2017)

Written by Troy Dye.
Line art by Philip Murphy.
Colour art by Luis Antonio Delgado.
Letters by Neil Uyetake.

Ghostbusters Funko Universe is one of a number of one-shots that were released in May as part of a “Funko Universe takes over IDW” event. Titles such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The X-Files as well as the aforementioned Ghostbusters.

The Funko character design lends itself well to the fun comic story contained within the Ghostbusters one-shot. As you can see from the cover art, characters tend to have over-sized heads and cutesy face designs.

The story opens with a worker perparing an exhibtion in the  Natural History museum called “Forgotten Masters”. In a moment of clumsiness, the worker drops an aretfact which unfortunately shatters it. The consequence of the breaking of the artefact is the spirit of a ninja is freed. Before you can say “who you gonna call?”, Ghostbusters are on the case.

It’s an entertaining story with some funny dialogue and visual gags. Exactly the sort of story you would want since it’s visually along the lines of Saturday morning cartoon. Dye delivered exactly the sort of story that was needed for a Ghostbusters/ Funko mashup.

The artwork is great for this one-shot. Murphy provides the line art with Delgado handling colour art dutes. The art team give this comic a wonderful look. Each of the spirits has a distinct design as well as their own colour. The art team also do a solid job with the readability of each page. Clear line work and layouts. The colours are strong and vibrant particularly those used on the spirits.

The Ghostbusters/ Funko one-shot works well by delivering a funny story and putting the Funko designs front-and-centre. Overall, an it’s an enjoyable one-shot.