Review: Ocean City #4

Originally posted on Irish Comic News (4/Dec/2019)

Ocean City

Written and created by Colm Griffin
Letters by Alice Coleman
Cover by Michael Doig and Colm Griffin
Editor – Gillian Dempsey

Dillon King (DK to his friends) returns in issue four of the Ocean City series. This issue sees DK trying to get to grips with his powers as he tries to discover what are their limitations. His friends ‘Murph’ and Jeff provide motivation for DK to really push himself via his in-ear communicator.

While DK tests his powers, the ongoing problem of bombings within the projects move ever closer to DK and those he cares about. The comic splits its focus between DK testing his powers and a masked duo carrying out another bombing in the project.

I liked the use of the ‘Tick’ splash pages gave the comic the comic an ominous tone from the outset. The clock counts down on each splash page towards the explosive finale. It’s also a clever way to move between the different threads in the comic.

Regarding the sequence of pages of DK testing his powers, I would have preferred more visuals of DK as he tests his powers on the rooftops. This is in relation to one page where DK, Murph and Jeff are talking to each other as DK tests his powers. For me, Murph and Jeff could have easily been reduced to captions, thus allowing for a page of DK moving through the streets/rooftops.

In contrast, the bombing sequence has a great energy on the page with a strong sense of urgency as the bombers escape the building after planting the bomb. You can really feel that the bombers are against the clock.

The comic finishes strong with an emotional climax for DK. That last page is a great cliffhanger to leave things on. It also brings to mind some of the very early adventures of Spider-man. DK was attempting to follow his own path as a ‘Special’ but events conspire to drag him into the horror of the bombings in the projects.

The artwork is enjoyable with a nice variety of page layouts to avoid things becoming dull. There’s good building of tension as the reader moves through the comic. Lettering is well positioned with good readability. The lettering on the ‘tick’ pages worked well with the artwork in building the tension.

A good addition to the series with the issue closing with events that are going to push DK towards investigating/ tracking down those responsible. I’m certainly eager to see where adventures of DK leads to next.

You can get issue four via the Rogue Comics store. (Currently sold out but no doubt it’ll be restocked soon)

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