It’s a new year so it’s time for that ‘gonna do more posts’ post.
For all of last year, this blog was left idle aside from the occasional share from my tumblr account. Part of the reason for that was that I started to post onĀ Irish Comic News
My main focus was the monthly Art Picks. This is a feature which rounds up a selection of art produced by artists and colourists who are part of the Irish comic scene. It was great to see so much art and to discover some new names I’d not heard of prior to taking on the feature.
In addition to the Art Picks feature, i also did some reviews of various comics. It was fun to do but I’m quite conscious that the standard of my posts need to improve to get the level that I’d like to get to. This is part of the reason I’m doing this post to try and revive the blog.
The plan is to write more, particularly reviews (or just some form of rambling) about comics. Anything related to the Irish comic scene will end up on Irish Comic News. However I do have a regular comic reading pile which I plan to try do some writing about here as it wouldn’t be something to go up on ICN.
These could be titles from publishers such as Marvel, DC, Image, IDW, Dark Horse, Boom! etc. or something via Kickstarter / small press.
The hope is the increased frequency of writing about comics will slowly improve the writing.
Not only that but it will also be a place for me to collate my drawings as they’re currently scattered between Twitter and Facebook rather than somewhere under my own control.
So that’s me done laying out my goal for the blog this year.
And since you managed stick through to the end, here’s some art I did as part of Inktober last year.