Marching Onwards

Greetings once again. This entry is somewhat later than I had hoped but we shall attempt to soldier on regardless.

The last month has been spent doing a lot of reading about writing, with particular emphasis on writing a novel. It’s something I’m really interested in ever since I took part in NaNoWriMo for the first time. It was a really enjoyable November. The project demanded that time was spent on adding to the novel each day for the month.

As a result, I set myself a daily goal of five hundred words a day. I wasn’t attempting to write another novel, rather I was just giving myself the task of doing some writing every day. The hope was to keep the writing muscles limber for when I start the next writing project.

I don’t have any specific project as yet but I do have a couple of ideas rattling around my skull. Maybe with a bit more time one of the ideas will leap to the fore. There’s no rush as yet as I’m committed to a computer programming course until the end of June. But once I have the free time between courses I hope to get to writing something a bit more substantial.

The last piece that I started work on had way too many similarities to the early books in the Wheel of Time series. There were some good ideas for a story but I have to shave away anything that seems to me to be close to something from the Wheel of Time books.

There are plenty of things to get my teeth into in the weeks before the course ends. The plan is to build up some notes on the ideas so I can hit the ground running when July eventually comes around.