Counting down to November.

The prospect of doing NaNoWriMo has me is a quite optimistic mood since my last blog. I had at the time of the last blog two possible ideas for potential novels to do for NaNoWriMo.

Then out of the back of my imagination a character shoved his way to the front of my mind and declared he was the lead in the book I was to write. The other two possible books were somewhat muted by his appearance. His energy and constant nagging has removed the chance of any other book been written in November. He’s definitely the first character in quite some time that feels like a three-dimensional character. Some of the images and scenes that involve him made me laugh quite a bit. I really hope to capture the spirit of the character once I get started on the project.

The general idea for the story isn’t too well defined right now, and there aren’t any other characters appearing to keep the lead company. Some of the leads interests have put some possible directions for the book to go. But that could all change once the other characters throw their oars in. The book looks like it will have children as the lead characters, but I don’t think it’s going to be a book solely aimed at children.

I’m really itching to get going with NaNoWriMo. Until November arrives I’ll just use the time training myself into a daily routine of getting a nice amount of writing done. I can also do some research on the bits of the story that have already popped into my head.