Question Their Motives

I’m getting into a fun territory, the realm of want/needs/desires of the character. Once you start exploring this aspect of a character, they quickly become more believeable. You can put them into a random scene and you should have some idea as to how they would behave. I haven’t as yet completed a story, but […]

Show some character

The adventures in writing are still continuing. This time the hurdle is characters, more specifically, a lack of personality with most of the characters. The characters are only fulfilling their requirement to any given scene in a story. They generally don’t seem like actual people, which will make it somewhat difficult for a reader to […]

From the eye of the storm.

Come in, come in! The weather outside isn’t fit for man nor beast. I’m half expecting to need a canoe to get to work in the morning if the downpour continues through the night. The writing is continuing to go well. I think part of this is down to the new fitness routine. It has […]

Behold the mythical blog post!

Hello again. I know I’ve been remiss in not posting more frequently. But if it’s any consolation, I had a great blog post done but then the neighbours giraffee at it. Anywho, I’ve managed to keep up with the regular writing excercises. I’m still enjoying them but I really want to be more focused and […]